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Towards a sustainable financial ecosystem

Wednesday 20 November 2019
from 14:00 to 18:00
by An event by the Club of Rome-EU chapter in honour of Bernard Lietaer
Past event

Date: Wednesday November 20 2019 - Time: 14 - 18h - including networking drink
Venue: Triodos Bank, Hoogstraat - Rue Haute 139, 1000 Brussels

In the wake of the 2008 crisis, governments worldwide have rescued the financial system at a high societal cost, yet without a systemic reform addressing its weaknesses. Today a broad reflection is emerging on how to create a more stable financial system at the service of people and planet. Many actors inside and outside of the financial sector are pushing past current practices and mind-sets, with a view to making money more sustainable. Among those, complementary currencies are already a known practice, but little explored and even less understood in their full potential to create a more resilient financial ecosystem. Are currencies like Libra an enabler or a threat for that? Under what conditions can decentralised technologies like Blockchain foster sustainability?
The work of Bernard Lietaer (1942-2019) on sustainable financial ecosystems offers a scientifically sound framework for understanding how decentralisation of the money system may allow us to create a stable financial ecosystem supporting a sustainable economy. In a 3-hour seminar experts will share some of the insights Lietaer’s work has to offer us. This will feed discussions in small groups on various aspects, allowing us to go beyond his work and discuss the resilience of the financial system in a broader context. Findings will be brought together in a plenary session with the ambition to map leverages at policy level that are needed today. The event will be followed by a networking drink.
Contributions by

  • Marek Hudon, Hélène Joachain & Tristan Dissaux – Solvay Brussels School (ULB)
  • Sandrine Dixson-Declève – Co-President Club of Rome
  • Michel Bauwens – P2P Foundation
  • Sander Van Parijs & Hugo Wanner – Muntuit
  • Nicolas Franka – Financité
  • Leen Gorissen – Studio Transitio
  • Anne Snick – Club of Rome-EU & SAPIRR

Participation fee : 20 € (including networking drink)

  • Marek Hudon explaining the famous Sustainabity Curve by Ulanowicz, Lietaer & Goerner
  • Harvesting outcomes of the cocreative work
  • Hugo Wanner (Muntuit) explaining the success of Torekes (Ghent)
  • Hugo Wanner (Muntuit) & Nicolas Franka (Financité) presentating cc’s in Belgium
  • Michel Bauwens (P2P Foundation) & Joost Mulder (Better Europe) reflecting on the day
  • Nicolas Franka (Financité) presenting cc’s in Belgium
  • Roland Moreau and Carlos Alvarez Perreira give concluding remarks
  • Carlos Alvarez Perreira talking on behalf of the Club of Rome (international)
  • A present to thank all our experts for their generosity
  • Cocreation requires an adapted set-up of the room
  • Active involvement of young people
Pictures event B. Lietaer
Pictures taken by Folkert Herlyn.
Pictures of last event

European Green Deal: The reaction from the Club of Rome