Growth is a dominant economic driver accounting for the wealth of nations and organizations alike. However, in the face of environmental pressures, widespread social and economic imbalance, and the reigning climate of uncertainty we are experiencing today, there is now a need for a viable interpretation of what growth really means.
In this book, the author redefines the limits to economic growth and tackles the
issues involved in three parts, in order to study a variety of international issues, including the world economic system, climate change and environmental degradation.
Part 1 revisits the dominant designs of the past century regarding growth and how
this concept has been understood over time. The author proposes a new way to address the subject which corresponds to the post-modern development of society.
Part 2 deconstructs the notion of growth and paves the way toward a methodology
for addressing the “growth problematics”. It proposes a number of blueprints for a
widened interpretation of notions such as work, competition and money.
Part 3 introduces a design-based approach for regenerating wealth by expanding these blueprints conceptually. It implements the Concepts–Knowledge design innovation theory from Mines ParisTech that has been applied in industry, economy and administration internationally.
Part 1. A Present-Day Imperative
1. A Present-Day Imperative To Think or Not To Think…
2. Situating Growth in Time–Space.
3. Dominant Thinkings of the Past Century.
4. The Historical Contribution of System Dynamics.
Part 2. A Methodology for Tackling Growth Problematics
5. In Search for New Approaches Fit-For-Purpose.
6. Angling the Core Subject Appropriately.
7. Cracking Open a Growth Concept.
8. Opening Up New Growth Axes.
Part 3. Going Beyond the Notion of GDP
9. New Growth Operational Formulations with Examples.
10. Discussing Work, Labor and Money.
11. Case Study: Growth Through Cooperation, Work,
Time and Space.
12. A Society’s New Clothes.
Part 4. Appendices
9781786301956 • July 2017 • 240 pages • Hardback • 120.00 $
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