Club of Rome - EU Chapter
Jacques de Gerlache
How to make of the E.U Commission’s Green Deal an “Orchestral manoeuver in the light”
13:00 – 14:00, 1 October 2020 (Thursday)
With a complimentary speech of
Roland Moreau, President of the Club of Rome EU Chapter
Please register below. (10 euros for non-members, free for members)
Please note that the registration will be closed on 13:00, 30 September, and the webinar link will be sent shortly thereafter.
Payment: BE69 7370 0382 5378 (BIC: KREDBEBB) of the CoREU.
Senior (eco)toxicologist and professor of ecotoxicology and industrial ecology, Jacques de Gerlache has a PhD in pharmaceutical sciences. Scientific advisor to the Belgian Conseil Fédéral du Développement durable (CFDD-FRDO.) and, for 10 years chairman of the Collège National des Experts en Environnement de l’Industrie Chimique (CNEEIC), France. Also co-founder and manager of the website www.greenfacts.org which provides faithful and peer-reviewed summaries in various languages of key international consensus documents on health, environment and sustainability.
Recently he proposed with Patrick Corsi A systemic interpretation of the European Union Green Deal aiming at a Sustainable Society for a Shared Future Welfare (https://www.clubofrome.eu/a-systemic-interpretation-of-the) and also published a book (in French) entitled Implement energy transitions – An integrative strategy and operational management. (https://www.dunod.com/sciences-techniques/mettre-en-oeuvre-transitions-energetiques-strategie-integrative-et-gestion).
Also active member of various associations in which experts from various disciplines explore the systemic dimension in the organisation of complex systems, he previously contributed to the building of an operational strategy of sustainable development for the Solvay Group and was for 15 years in charge of its corporate crisis preparedness & communication unit.
See a fuller bio of Jacques here.
Enquiries directly to webinar@clubofrome.eu.